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The capacity has been reduced from 120 to  90 resulting in some reduction of the footprint of the building. 

The developers state that their own extensive market research has demonstrated need but produced no evidence to back that up.  Our own calling round to local nurseries showed vacancies at all that we called while another - at the Village Hall - closed down recently due to falling numbers. 

It is noticeable there still does not appear to be any dedicated, safe drop off zone  beyond the general parking provision.  

There remain real concerns about the adequacy of the parking for the care home / nursery combined. - see PARKING & PUBLIC TRANSPORT page. 

While risk of unacceptable noise  was not a refusal reason last time the officer did talk extensively in his refusal report about the need for a noise management plan that included some indication via a timetable of the amount and type of external play time that was anticipated. This does not seem to have addressed at all in the new application other than reference to the"acoustic fence" between the play area and the garden of 86 Statham Avenue which was already in the plan. Surely at the very least there should be a pre-agreed plan that respects local neighbours' amenity and privacy.  Download more detail via the button below. 



The frontage of the nursery in the previous plan 

The frontage of the nursery in the current plan 

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